Thursday, 11 December 2014
Tuesday, 11 November 2014
Close shaves
Please excuse the poor grammar in this post and missing letters i will try to fix it all but my keyoard is broken and i may miss some full stops.
However anyway i want to talk about some incidents i’ve had so far out here. Especially after my most recent incident. So i recently met my friend purely by accident at a festival they have out here to celebrate the water and the river, Im unsure but I get three days off, so i’m happy. Any how there I was on the river side taking pictures of the boats when all of a sudden i get a tap on the shoulder saying ‘hello Greg’ and it was my friend Rory with whom i had gone to school with. It was so nice to see a familiar face! It made me even more excited for my mum coming. So we went for something to eat and what have you and a catch up. At that time we decided we would watch the Manchester United game which started at ten p.m the next day. We met at a bar and watched the game (it was a drab affair) after which we split off and went our own ways. All was well with the world. I got about half way home and onto a street near my house when i realised i had some people following me, not just any people, two prostitutes who were ladyboys. They pulled up alongside and started asking where i was going and the like. I say ‘no i’m going home.’ Big mistake letting them know that i was soon gonna be off my bike. They followed me the rest of the way home. There I was, trying to get off my bike and they get off their moto and come up to me and (Sorry Mother) they were grabbing things that weren’t asking to be touched so i tell them in no uncertain terms to go away and stop touching me this was when they put their hand in my pocket to take my wallet. I stopped them right there and then on that one. Blood was starting to pump around my body, I was getting ready. The one whose hand i took out my pocket returned to the moto the other bigger one got off and came straight up to me to grab my phone out of my hand. It was in my hand because i was trying to get my key out of my pocket where the phone was obviously i was interupted before i could get at it. So this ladyboy grabbed the phone but years of siblings and friends snatching things out my hand meant i was prepared. This ladyboy wasn’t getting it without a fight. So as she twirled round to break my vice like grip i was pulled off my bike. That was it fight or flight kicked in. It was fight. I managed to break her grasp on the phone and pushed her away. Her friend had driven off round the corner I was now bellowing at her in less than gentlemanly terms to go away I think this is what frightened them off. That i had turned from someone saying please go away to them, to someone who had an army mans voice (years of watching and playing football) telling them to f*ck off. Which was for some reason came out in a northern accent, i think. It came out as ‘F*ck off eh?’ And off she did. Me victorious them in defeat. Of course i felt immediately shakey and weird because that isn’t me nor is it usual to have an attempted mugging. A quick call home to mum and dad to calm the nerves and i fell asleep.
Of course at the time i was angry. However now retrospectively speaking i bear no ill will to these two people they may have mouths to feed or rent to pay. They were doing it out of necessity when a country has no infrastructure in place to support these sorts of people of course this is going to happen, especially to foreigners. I just hope at some point they can get out of this hole they are in and do better for themselves but i have feeling its very difficult to do.
I have had some other close shaves in Cambodia many traffic incidents. Witnessed one fight, a few arguments, my sprained ankle, someone eating eggs in front of me that sent him to hospital to get his stomach pumped he even offered me to try them! Rather glad i wasn’t feeling brave that day!
However i am typing this as i have been given the rest of the day off to go to the hospital and get my right ear checked out as i cant hear anything out of it which is slightly worrying. I reckon its been infected with some dirty water because, when i was having a shower the water pressure was low as i had just gone to the toilet, and just as i turned my ear to the shower it suddenly went full power shower and i managed to get a straight shot into the ear hole! It hurt like hell and now i think its infected with that dirty water.
Anyway good luck to Rory on the rest of his travels and have a look at some photos i took of the water festival.
The link of the day is: I just watched Shawshank Redemption and i think the way Morgan Freeman described this music was lovely.
‘I have no idea to this day what those two Italian ladies were singing about. Truth is, I don't want to know. Some things are better left unsaid. I'd like to think they were singing about something so beautiful, it can't expressed in words, and it makes your heart ache because of it. I tell you, those voices soared higher and farther than anybody in a grey place dares to dream. It was as if some beautiful bird had flapped into our drab little cage and made these walls dissolve away, and for the briefest of moments, every last man in Shawshank felt free.’
Saturday, 25 October 2014
Saturday, 13 September 2014
Where am i?
Where am I?
How do i feel? Am i happy? Is this the correct decision? Could anything be improved?
Whats the next move? Do i miss home?
These are questions constantly running through my mind and i’m going to try to answer them somehow. It maybe a bit jumbled as these answers are coming straight out of my head onto paper. However i’m hoping that writing this it may help with my understanding of where i am.
I generally feel that i’m in the region of attaining happiness and being happy all the time. As when i living in England, i did feel depressed and had no energy to continue with anything just wanting the world to stop. However i feel that was a mixture of things such as wanting to come back here, no job, getting rejected from jobs and no day to day routine so everything was just piling on and you sit there and you think about life in its entirety and honestly it does begin to get you down, as i’m at an age in my life where the norm nowadays is to be in Uni. However i wasn’t and i felt like i was a waste of space. So now being here with a job and a routine it does make me happier as those thoughts can be placed at the back of your head and ignored for rainy days and decisions. It’s not to say i’m walking around smiling and nor does it mean i’m walking around crying all the time. I’m like goldilocks and i’m just right. Which is nice, this feeling of contentment.
I do sometimes have to force myself to spend money though. Such as last night i was freaking out at the idea of having spent $9 on a delicious two course meal of steak and chips and then ice cream. (Already breaking my promise to go full native) Though I have to say it was flippin’ amazing! I have to constantly remind myself that i can spend money and not worry too much about it. As whats the point of working and saving the money for that ‘day’ you have to use it every once in a while. And boy did i use it for the right thing. I must be the exact opposite of those who get that release of endophorins when they spend money and there’s me convulsing on the ground after spending $9! I think i maybe spending more this weekend though which may end up being a fair bit! Football shoes, a suitcase that isn’t my massive one (for a couple days public holiday in two weeks i think i might be going down to Sihanoukville) and then a portable dvd player....Now i’m buying one of these because my wifi is awful so can’t stream stuff, my tv can’t be heard over the rain and then on top of that it is rainy season so i wont be going and playing football much or doing anything at all i’m buying one to sit and watch english TV with. The titles im buying with it are ‘friends, True Detective (heard good things about it, I’m looking at you person in particular if it’s bad i will not be happy ;), Mrs Brown boys (been watching clips on youtube and seems hilarious) and finally Game of Thrones latest season. So i’ve sold it to myself, you can’t stop me Mum! So that’s going to be some money being spent i just hope it works out all okay. Eek!
Anyway back to answering questions for the time being i do feel as though this is a step in the right direction for myself, i am learning about myself and it’s certainly been interesting as i have learnt, how i learn best- which is to say it a couple of times and write it down. Bit useless now i’m not taking any exams but never mind. I’m fulfilling a dream of speaking another language, i just think its amazing how i can make a few different sounds with my mouth and people understand me, language i have always found fascinating so its nice to be putting in the effort of learning a different one. Not one that would be helpful exactly if i was to move back to England but i would be in a niche of people to speak it. So i know i’m moving at the moment in a generally right direction. Whereas in England when i was unemployed so many days were just filler of doing nothing which can be nice but not all the time...Now it’s work and live a bit, no offence to my friends at home but i didn’t do a lot with most of you because generally we lived miles apart or you were at uni and i had no money. Here though i see my friends everyday, play football and perhaps at the weekend i go for a drink and dinner with a load of them which is great and i’m always welcomed even though i may not understand what all of them say but i love every minute!
Could anything be improved......... My single complaint to be honest is that my guesthouse could be a bit better, as at the moment, every day i come back from school they are drinking
‘Gregory, drink with us!’ they call
‘No, sorry i don’t like beer.’ Is my go-to reply
I then go to play football after i come back two hours later they are still there. I then go shower and rest for a bit. In that time i get hungry so then i’m off for food. Again they call ‘Gregory, have one beer’ by this time they are all out of it.
‘No i need to eat first otherwise i’ll be drunk in seconds’ is another reply i give.
Most of the drinkers I’m generally friendly with but they aren’t my crowd, most times they have already got one guy to sit with them and he sits in silence. I suppose if you switch the perspective that’s what people may think of me with my friends at the weekend but then again i can speak a bit of khmer and generally fit in more with people around my age not like this one foreigner who is always with them. I couldn’t think of something more boring than sitting around, not talking and drinking. It’s a waste of life in my eyes! So yeah if i could improve it, they wouldn’t do that but its their culture so i cant deny them that. The only way i could improve it would be to move, but the location of where i live is fantastic, it’s nearby to everything and i have bought stuff that wouldn’t fit into my bag so maybe when i get this second suitcase i might have to start looking for somewhere or just another guesthouse. As they are so useful, clean my room for me, useful knowledge and friendly people. So it’s something to think about certainly.
Next move? Staying here for the time being, always looking for the next opportunity that may lead to not having to work again, that’s the dream obviously but its to generally trot along and learn khmer and stay happy with my simple little life. Which, to me, sounds good for the time being. I’m fulfilling my Maslow hierachy of needs so i’m content when any of those change or are fulfilled such as knowing enough khmer that i’m comfortable in any situation that’s when plans will be laid down to get out of here. That or when it takes me the same amount of time to eat a bowl of noodles with chopsticks as it does to eat a bowl of rice with a spoon! I think i will be safe for a while yet!
Yes i miss home, i miss the familiarity of everything, locations, weather, people or to be able to talk to someone about whats happening in the world and chat about it. Or talking with friends about past incidents and jokes, going to the movies with someone. Oh i should add i do miss my family as well! But i know i’m going to see them again at some point so it’s not a major issue that one. In all honesty i miss England a bit but its not at all crippling or going to stop me in my tracks any time soon! It’s going to be there whenever i come back so there’s no need for me to worry. I’m excited for the future i can’t focus on the past otherwise you get stuck, in the words of Walt Disney from ‘Meet the Robinsons.’ ‘Keep moving forward’ and i shall.
Nothing much more to add, maybe that answers some people questions i hope. Now that i have written over 1500 words i think i should get back to work before somebody notices what i have been doing. :)
Link of the day: Miami 2017 (Hopefully England doesn’t change as much as New York does in this song.)
Sunday, 7 September 2014
Well, well, well...
Friday, 29 August 2014
Working Now
Two weeks on the job. I meant to post this last week but my SD card keeps deleting randoms bit of stuff and i didn’t want to write it all out again. However here’s me trying again, i suppose it gives me a chance to rewrite the bits i didn’t particularly like.
Well anyway I have a job now! It’s in a private primary school. Named rather aptly Cambridge International School. However its a franchise from Singapore so i don’t quite know how the Cambridge bit came about. My job title is EAL teacher. EAL stands for English as an additional language teacher. I think.... Well anyway i teach from Kindergarten right up until what would be years five and six in England. So a huge mix of students.
I’m not going to lie that i found out at my volunteer school, the kids i taught were my favourite age group of about twelve to fifteen year olds. More mature but not mature enough to not find me making funny noises and being stupid whilst teaching them funny. Whilst also listening to the teacher. However these age groups provide a... shall we say interesting challenge? Its good for allsorts of experience such as classroom management, writing tests, absolute beginners and perhaps in a year i will say i never want to leave. For now though i have had a couple of moments of fondly looking at that other older age group. Not to say i haven’t enjoyed it here. My colleagues are fantastic. My bosses are great and its quite tight knit. Most of my colleagues i regularly am in contact with on a daily basis are predominately Filipino. With whom i have worked with before and i know how great they are so when i found that out i was very interested to get started.
Now i have to be careful with what i say about the students for obvious reasons. Though i will say this most are great, some are good, some are okay and some are challenges. When i say challenges they aren’t ‘oh god what am i doing here?’ they are challenges of ‘okay, how can i get them involved today?’ Which, again, is great for experience. With that in mind i believe all these kids are fairly sheltered as its a very good school so most kids haven’t had an exactly normal upbringing. Although ask yourself if you had lots of money would you not treat your child to the absolute best? I know i would. So i’m sure the reason some children might say ‘my house is bigger than this school.’ Is because truthfully, it is and they are just telling me. They don’t necessarily know that its not normal to have that.
I personally believe that in a year my khmer will be a lot better than it is now. So much so i could possibly work in a public school. So i could access the less privileged child. I think this because on my first day of being here, the children did their morning exercise and a beggar and his child walked past the schools gate looking for rubbish to pick up and sell/live off. Then i had what i’d call a bit of epiphany, i realised that those less privileged children are the ones i want to help. The ones that need english to get started and begin to live. As more and more this is becoming a world where you need English to start making money. Whereas these kids here are just like english young ‘uns they speak great english, spelling and writing leaves a little to be desired (which is fine as i wouldn’t have a job otherwise) but speaking you wouldn’t be able to tell the difference between an english kid of the same age and these.
However seeing that poor beggar kid it struck me that at some point i need to work in a place where i can begin to help these poor children. Maybe in a year i’ll say you know what? I can speak khmer lets go start work in a public school. Maybe in a year I could also say I love these kids here and i don’t wanna work in no stinkin’ high school especially with my awful khmer. That’s for the future to decide, i have no idea yet. You never know what might happen. For the foreseeable future though i know for now that i’ll be here for at least year. I also know as i was wisely told in an eighteenth birthday card:
Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might.
Ecclesiastes 9:10
That is for certain. For the future i may not think teaching this age group is my favourite but i know i will throw all i can into it. As that’s what this school deserves. Nothing half-assed. For the future is far away and we can only live in the now, so we might as well, work now and make a decision later on what we to do as we never know what might happen.
The other week i was speaking about taking time to talk to the people you see everyday and how i was talking to my friends at the local mart. Well this week i found out that one of my friends is living in a house with four bedrooms and one bathroom with ten other people. He has gotten a full scholarship to a university and is working his socks off to make sure he makes his parents proud. He sleeps on the floor of his house. Plus he is here all by himself. Its bordering on illegal what his living conditions are like but hes the happiest bubbliest person i’ve met and i always enjoy my time with him. For example the other day he tried to say the phrase ‘Working hard or hardly working.’ However he got it wrong so what came out was ‘Working hard or hard working.’ I was in stitches. Good effort though. To be honest thats the first time i’ve heard him get something wrong. Then theres me speaking awful khmer and helps anyway he can for me to learn.
Beautiful place, beautiful people.
Link for the day : I couldn’t find something that would fit this text. So have a listen to some rather rousing classical music
Wednesday, 13 August 2014
Football,life and blogging
I played football a couple of weeks ago and managed to badly sprain my ankle again. So most of life has been spent sat doing nothing but watching TV and eating. Its been getting better slowly. I went to the doctors for it and spent $45 dollars on an X-ray, consultation, splint and pills which to me isn't half bad. I was expecting it to be in the hundreds. Doctor said no football for 4 weeks!! My idea of hell! No matter, it lets me rest and focus on getting a job. I was also advised by the guesthouse owner to get some Khmer medicine. All well and good so I ask him to write it down so I can go to the local market and get it. Proudly I hop off with my splint on and show some people who direct me out to the other side of the market and then someone else shows me where to get it. Fantastic! I buy it and proudly come back to show off my new medicine to the manager. I thought it was slightly strange because it was just ginger. Just the plant, that was it. After my guesthouse owner had picked himself up off the floor after laughing he managed to get his friend to make it properly for me into a paste mixed with alcohol. No worries. A day later I get it back and apply it only problem is that it looks like cat sick. So its a nice thing to rub all over my ankle as you can imagine. I just hope it is helping! So I can resume a more normal life without so many stares. I mean, I get stared at for being a westerner in a densely populated Khmer location where not many foreigners really go. So you can imagine how it was when I clinked along with a big black splint on. I felt like a cowboy with spurs!
At the time of writing its okay, I don't wear the splint, just sometimes wear a compression thing that I thought to bring with me knowing I would play football and hurt myself.
Football really does transcend language as on Saturday I went out with five people to a club. These people were ones I had played football with for a couple of weeks. However only one speaks generally good English. I speak a bit of Khmer so I can communicate with them all. Just not in depth. We went out and they all said to the English speaker 'Even though I am not Khmer, they feel as though I am one of them' 'If I ever need help they will be there for me' This was all because I played football with them and could joke around a bit, it really helps you settle when in another country and someone says that. They are just so nice and friendly. There's no way I can explain it without yourself experiencing it. They just accept you. I just would like to learn Khmer quicker because then I can communicate with all these people and meet more of them. Such as yesterday I went and ate dinner afterwards I went to buy an ice cream at a local mart where they have seen me a few times and I have joked about my foot and a multitude of other things in Khmer. So they know I speak a bit and they speak good English. There's a few that are really friendly. So yesterday I just sat down with them for two hours and got to know them some more whilst practising Khmer.
I honestly believe that in England unless you get to know someone through work, groups, school, university you never meet the people you see everyday. For example how many readers know the name of the people in their local shop or the taxi's drivers they walk past everyday. Here I sat down with some shop workers and got to know them. In western countries the pace of life is so fast. It just goes past you and sometimes you have to sit down and let it. But in England there is no opportunity for that because if you miss a chance then it'll never come back so you have to keep up with that pace. It's like treading water, western countries are constantly treading to not sink and it tires them out which how things like depression happen just non-stop with no end in sight (RIP Robin Williams) Cambodia and many other countries around here they let themselves sink, but they sink with friends. Possibly not the greatest allegory as it ends in mass joint suicide, but I hope you kind of get the picture. Here people sit down outside of shops, marts, parks and just chat and let others join them if they want to. Further expanding their circle of people to help or be helped by. I just love it. It suits me right down to the ground. Once I get a job i'll be part of the community finally rather than a dosser that sits down outside of shops with his foreign money!
Job wise. Where to begin? I've had a couple of interviews and opportunities. That haven't arisen and nothing further has happened so now. I have started my own company! Greg Preston English Tutoring. Every night I go out like Batman seeking lampposts to put up my posters of my company and of how to get in touch. $15 p/h or less depending on what they want to be taught. As most tutors round here try to charge $35 an hour! No one has that much money to burn. So I decided to hit the niche market and go cheap. So I hope this will pick up soon and people will notice my posters and get in touch. I spend around $6 a day so if I got even one at $15 I'd be set for at least two days! I will continue to look for a school job but if this takes off then I should be okay to continue just as private tutor. We shall see. Exciting times ahead. Lets just hope it involves me making some money and continuing to live here.
Not a song but a video from Good Will Hunting:
Saturday, 26 July 2014
Running for the Visa
My first thought was to have a small holiday and go to Bangkok. Then I thought I can't do that as Bangkok is fairly expensive compared to Phnom Penh and isn't as beautiful. Although now some parts of Phnom Penh are strikingly similar to Bangkok. Aeon Shopping Mall, Diamond Island, Nagaworld and others as this city begins to develop for the western world. So then the plan was created to get a night bus, arrive, cross the border to turn around and come back again. All very exciting stuff to write home about.
Bought the ticket advertised as having free wifi, luxury legspace, a snack/water and a towel which cost ten dollars. I bought it way in advance on Wednesday ready for Friday 20:00 departure time 20:30. Eight hour journey time arriving at the border at 4 for the border to open at 6 with space for wiggle time. There was a lot of wiggle time. Probably didn't leave Phnom Penh till 21:00 due to folk arriving late then when we did get going stopping for them to buy supplies for the journey and what have you all whilst us 'barangs' are none the wiser to as to what was going on. Only hoping it was going in the right direction. As of the earlier promises, what was fulfilled:
Wifi: X
Legspace: My chair was above the stairwell so couldn't stretch out as I was afraid of hitting someone as they went downstairs.
Snack/Water: Perhaps the first stop I was meant to buy it for myself? Otherwise nothing doin'
Towel: Turned out to be enlarged wet wipe.
So it was a great start as you can imagine. Trying to sleep whilst stopping every once in a while for people to get off and continue their own journeys. Whilst being on the stairwell this was brilliant as they bumped past you to get down and out. During that time I possibly slept for 45 minutes. Then eventually these other foreigners got off at Battambang 3/4 of the way in. I took the chance to nick their 'luxury seat' and slept contortedly for the last two or three hours.
We arrive in Poipet. A place I've only seen of through a car window mostly. Dropped off at 4am in pitch darkness and left to deal with it. My pride meant I wasn't going to get a Moto when I could walk it! Off I pop down the road, feeling really safe in this slightly dodgy, dark and shady areas of a city. No worries at all...I arrive to the unopen border crossing which has the feeling of a refugee camp as many locals waited for the chance to get through to Thailand. Whether it was to work or live I don't know. Many had some big bags. People do what they need to survive. I completely understand it. They give up so much to make sure their children has what it needs to grow up in a better environment. All for the better.
I sat and waited for an hour and a half till the foreigner part opened. Luckily I was front of the queue. Good choice by me for the bus I went with for all the times to line up. Everything was so seemless as it was just that early in the morning. No problems at all when it came to getting a business visa. It cost $30 rather than the $25 that was advertised. Ahem* say no more. As previously mentioned they do what they need to so they can survive.
Its now about 6:30 first time I have seen Poipet without being chaperoned because I have a sticker on my chest it was upto me to find a bus. Luckily due to my earlier walking I had spotted a rather swanky bus station so I swanned up to it after being harassed by motos to take me to their bus stations. Hoping I could just hope onto the next available bus. This wasn't so easy as it turns out they were full for the day... Swine! Who could dare take this quick minibus away from me...Never mind I carried on and sat down to have an overpriced breakfast because I was a foreigner. I say overpriced but $2 isn't bad...Its more the blatant discrimination against white face and Khmer what they need to survive...
I finally gave in to a moto man and let him drive me to his bus station (where he gets money for taking me there). Its the same one I came to Poipet on. That's fine by me I know what to expect so i'm not bothered anymore. Ten dollars and sit and wait. Go barefoot to the dirtiest inhouse toilet ever. Luckily I have no cuts on my feet...I think.
The bus arrives, oh it's not the same? Never mind I can deal with this. I'm sure I can hook up with some foreigners to make the journey far more pleasurable. Air-con bust..sat on top of a wheel arch...sun in my eyes...filled with Khmer. Look on the bright side it will leave soon and you will be back with familiar faces in Phnom Penh 'catch up on some sleep' I think to myself. Two hours later I awaken to find that we haven't moved. They were waiting until more people bought tickets as the four of us on a big bus for the 7:30 departure wasn't enough (understandably) so they waited until they collected enough people from the 8:30 and 9:30 to fill it up and then we went. Great. Sweating like a pig now. Cramped in because a lady who was slightly above weight had squeezed herself in next to me. Journey starts finally.
First quick fag stop for the driver i'm busting for the toilet. The majority of people have only been on the bus for an hour or so, me? three hours!! So I quickly nipped off making sure I had my stuff with me. Toilet? is the question I ask. Out the back is the curt reply. I make my way down passing the two kids who are sat near me on the bus as they go back, then I quickly pop to the toilet. Come out and see a bus pass the front door and I think to myself a question I often ask my sister 'what would you do if that was your actual bus leaving without you?' I chuckle to myself, what an absurd thought. I haul myself out of the house and to the secretary's shock and horror he forgot I was on the bus. Hang on a minute that was my bus!! Luckily the secretary kept a cool head, picked his jaw off the floor and then rang the driver and told him to stop so we could catch up on moto and I could get on. Thank god the secretary hadn't gone otherwise that would have been it. No more internet, no more electricity that's how tiny this place was, I would have been lost to the mine-infested wilderness of Cambodia.
So we continue on in the newly christened sweat bus. We get to Battamabang after what feels like at least 5 hours. In retrospect it probably was for me. Pick some people up who are in the good political party who are coming to Phnom Penh to be apart of a big meeting for the party and an eventual demonstration. We chat a bit as one can speak English. We stop for lunch and they fix the air-con on the bus. In the meanwhile my new friend told me his friends story of what happened after they were liberated from the Pol Pot regime.
He had to walk from Battambang to the Thai border. It took him three months. Can you imagine that? The elation that this pure evil that has stolen everything you ever had, your innocence, your possessions, your family has been gotton rid of. The one that has had you working to a bone in the rice fields everyday but then to find out true salvation from it you needed to walk to the refugee camp many long miles away. Walking your way to your salvation with just the eerie silence as your companion; the soft patter of your tired barefeet trudging along knowing that every step takes you further away from the evil that was and closer into the unknown of the future.
He said he was a little bit hot on the bus but didn't mind as he wasn't repeating this feat. After this was mentioned to me , I said nothing more of complaints and annoyance as everything just seemed easy compared to that. I am now back in Phnom Penh safe and sound after a couple more rest stops. I'm now typing this tucked up in bed, all tuckered out from my mild exhaustion and sleep depravation but not any way near as much as that poor child who had to do what he did.
They do what they do to survive.
Link today: Walk-Foo Fighters because I'm so glad I didn't have to.
Monday, 21 July 2014
Job Hunting and a Birthday
Friday, 11 July 2014
Sorry is the hardest word?
Friday, 27 June 2014
Gone for a Month
Friday, 20 June 2014
Delve into Teaching
English tutor in Phnom Penh