Thursday, 29 May 2014

Sa wat tii Kha Thailand, Sous-Day Cambodia

Well that's it. I've left Thailand to go onto Cambodia. After a couple further days of seeing roundabouts and playing futsal in Bangkok. I thought it was time to move on. 

'Seeing roundabouts?'I hear you ask. I had one last full day in Bangkok so rather than waste it by suntanning. I thought let's go see something. I looked on a Thailand phone app and saw this thing called a 'giant swing' wow! Let's go see that! Taxi! With the way it was described it seemed as though it was rather special. We get there and the driver says 'Giant swing-look look.' This giant swing, this thing, described on the app as a 'tourist attraction' was anything but. Two tin poles painted red with a crossbar at the top. They were upside down rugby posts. Who knew the Thais were the first to play rugby eh? Anyway so because we couldn't stop as it was literally on a roundabout as well. I quickly searched my app for something else called the 'Erawan shrine.' Off we went. Past some behemoth shopping malls. 

It only cost me 80 baht (£1.10) to get there on this long winded journey after the swing incident. However I only had a 1000 baht note. As you can imagine the driver didn't have change. So we went to this ridiculously posh hotel. For me to change the note. Someone said I'll do it for you. Brilliant! 1000 baht quickly whipped from my hand. 'Can I come with you?' I ask
'No,you stay.' Is the reply. 
Now here's where I should have said no I'll go somewhere else. But a big posh hotel with security guards stood right by me. They wouldn't let me get robbed... After 1 minute I was okay, 2 minutes, 4 minutes doubt creeps in. 
'What's he doing?' I ask the security guard
'Just wait please'
Dammit! Just lost £20! How stupid of me. I'll wait just a bit longer, if he's not back in a couple of minutes I'm not listening to the guard. I'm going after him. 
10 minutes later...right I'm going in. Just as I take two steps forward he comes back smiling. 
'Here you are, sir'
My heart went back down my throat, rather than sitting in my mouth. Panic over. Settled my debts with the taxi. 

Then went to see this shrine. It was very busy. I was only one of three westerners there. Girls in traditional attire dancing and singing, with blind people playing music as a further gimmick. This shrine is only about 40 years old. So it's a bit ridiculous to have these people here as if trying to replicate what it was 100's of years ago. I sat and drunk in the atmosphere. I can understand why people like this particular shrine because with the music, the singular flames, the gold, the incense and the flowers there was something to it. It was completely different from the exhaust fume filled streets of Bangkok. That were only 20 yards away but this shrine had something else to it. However it did start to rain which killed it a bit so my religious experience was finished.

Dancing girls to the left. I would have had to pay to take their photo properly.

Other side of the shrine.

I decided to get out the rain by going into one of these huge shopping malls. Nothing particularly interesting. Just western shops. Went over the road to another one. Was very out of place. Everyone in suits and opening doors for me whilst I'm in some flip flops, a stretched vest and gaudy swimming shorts. In this shopping mall there was Patek Phillipe, Rolex, Calvin Klein, Gucci. Just ridiculous stuff. 

So I left that one as I was embarrassed to be there bringing the average IQ of the place down by ten points. I mean I do that to any place I go to but here it was obvious. Still raining outside. Eurgh. Look at that shopping mall! Even bigger than the last one. So big in fact I actually got lost. I had no damn idea where I was. I went in to it at about 12 thinking I'll get some lunch at the same time. I didn't manage to find any lunch until 2. It was just huge. It then took me an hour to work out how to get out to the same place I came in at. Motorbike back to the hotel because there was a stupid amount of traffic. Sorry mum! They're just quicker and usually as cheap as a taxi. Not as safe but it's fine! 
This huge shopping mall. It doesn't show the true extent of this place. As it bends round a corner in a L shape. 
Good effort. If you can't read from the light being in the way there is also a massive ice skating rink in here. 

Anyway not very many particularly interesting things happened in Bangkok. I could tell you about the futsal but I'm sure that make a ton of you switch off and go back to Facebook! 

But onwards and eastwards to Cambodia and the border crossing. 

The link today is: 'Sweet Home Cambodia'

Phnom Penh English tutoring

Friday, 23 May 2014

The tragedy of Pattaya

For all it's beautiful beaches, great restaurants, beachside cafés and cheap shopping, Pattaya has a much darker side to it. The town and to an extent, the country, is in such poverty that beautiful women who to survive have to let old westerners be with them. 

The poverty, we as tourists do not see. All we see are the shops and the huge high rise eye sores going up. These women who will unfortunately never see any better in their lifetimes. I mean Pattaya's big attraction is the 'Walking Street' which is another word for strip clubs and cheap beer. Old westerners flock here to try and relive their youth. They all coming crawling out at night when everything starts up. I was on the beach earlier chillaxing and relaxing all cool but I was the only one there. As it's too hot for these people to come out. All they do is sit in an air-conditioned bar and drink. Then look gobsmacked as I walk past whether that's because I'm young,white or alone I don't know. It's such a shame but if I was in the same situation? I don't know what I'd do. If I was a women, in this culture, you'd probably be brought up to do it, to survive, get nice things and money. It is depressing when you hear these old men say 'shut up and look pretty.' That's in public! I can't imagine what may go on in private. Then again I suppose that at least they talked to each other. Most don't have a grasp on the English language so just sit in silence drinking or both parties talk to their own nationalities. 

Many of the women I see are far too good for the men. Today I saw what looked like 20 year old girl with at least a 60 year old, if not older, man. It is appalling. I have been offered to go with multiple of these types of women or maybe lady boys...some are too hard to distinguish the difference between! I just smile and say no because it creates laziness in these people if everything is offered why should they get educated or get a job. That is the only solution I can think of to rectify this awful situation. On the other hand English is a hard language, not enough money to pay for school, can't then learn English, no English no job's a vicious circle. One that is hard to get out of. 

It's not all bad though Pattaya really is lovely. Last night I went looking for somewhere to eat that was cheap. It's still only £5 most of the time but it all adds up, so I wanted it to be a bit cheaper than that. So I went for some local knowledge. A taxi driver. These guys usually will take you somewhere where they get to eat for free for bringing a customer. So thought I was helping out. I said to the fella 'need eat somewhere, no money' trying to get across that I wanted it to be cheap. After he had a conversation with his mate in clicks and smacks with me interjecting multiple times 'no money, need food.' They then stopped talking for a while, I thought I had been forgotton. All of a sudden he says '20 baht' (their currency) 'go to 7/11' and proceeds to give me 20 baht. I couldn't believe it! These guys who work all day for a pittance wanted to give me money! I said no and tried to use more difficult language this time. 
'Need eat, small money, cheap' 
'ahhhh' they say 
'Left,5 minutes, cheap food in big shop.' 
Sorted. Ended up having this...

Felt like I was in Indiana Jones with the spots of red and floating things in the soup. Wasn't particularly nice to be honest. Well I know what I won't be having next time...moral of the story:don't eat that and people who don't have much are still willing to give more. 

Anyway these lovely, compassionate and beautiful people deserve better but until they or Thailand somehow fixes itself this will continue. Only time will tell. Then again if they are happy and in love who am I to judge? But by the looks on a lot of the Thai girls faces they aren't very happy to be honest. I am sure there are possibly some that are genuinely happy and to those particular relationships I shall not judge them. 

After the beach relaxation and swimming in the 18 degree water to cool off. Funny to think just a couple of days ago that was t-shirt and shorts weather in England! Are you jealous yet?
I went to some temples and a viewpoint. Not one westerner to be seen at the temples. Too far, too hot and not enough bars to get drunk in. Only saw a few at the viewpoint. As I walked upto the point i got my photo taken, presumably security. Checking who has come in and out. The view was astounding. Pictures taken here and there. As I walked out after admiring the scenery, the guard, who took my photo, stopped me. Here we go, asking for money, I thought. Turns out the photo of me walking in looking gormless as I looked at the view mouth agape catchin' flies, sweating heavily had gone onto a commemorative plate. A plate. What am I meant to do with that? 'You can hang it up' the guard says. Why would I want to hang up a picture sorry, plate of me looking like an absolute numpty? Most photos have that covered anyway! Then went on my longest journey yet on a moto to these temples. My moto driver was good except for the moments when he crossed his heart randomly and then taking his phone out of his pocket to answer a call. Anyhow as you can see went around these beautiful structures with little to nobody to around. As no one sees Pattaya as having anything of cultural importance. Well to be technically correct it doesn't because the temples were about 30 minutes away. That was long nut burstin' journey on the bumpy roads. However I did look like a badass with my ray bans, retro helmet and gripping on to the bike for dear life...

 This was done for the Kings 50th anniversary of his coronation. Can't see that happening on the white cliffs of Dover. 
Incredible structure
Buddha- aptly named big Buddha 
Pattaya viewpoint
Not a bad day to go with it. 

My music link to go with this is:

Thursday, 22 May 2014

Last Words and First Day

'I may be some time.' The last words I said to my mother. The hardest of goodbyes. One after the other. First to Mum then to Dad. Two rocks. How I managed not to break I do not know. 'I'm just going out and I may be some time' These words are not mine. These are the last words spoken to the courageous Captain Scott and his team by Lawrence Oates as he walked to his death never to be seen again. (Look this tale up if you do not know it.)

My last words may not be for as a dramatic time as his but I felt that they conveyed to my Mum what I was trying to say. 'Fitting', is probably a better word to describe it.  Not knowing when I'll be back they were the best ones to use. The words dyed in my throat as I tried to speak them but my mum, as ever, was there for me, to finish my sentence. I must be braver in the coming months. I must be able to finish my own sentences at least!

To steal another quote, this one from History Boys 'The best moments in reading are when you come across something - a thought, a feeling, a way of looking at things - which you had thought special and particular to you. And now, here it is, set down by someone else, a person you have never met, someone even who is long dead. And it is as if a hand has come out, and taken yours' Words traverse time and space. I may drop clues to people when I'm speaking to them. For example Emily may have been sad enough to think of Dr.Who with the words 'time and space.' Anyway....although I am not with you in person, I am with you when you read this. When you read my posts I am there. These words and thoughts are mine, but they are for you.

In terms of bravery what I'm doing requires little to none compared to the adventurers of old. These men who had no maps, correct food, technology or help. These men, these fantastic men, decided the world was there to explore and went and did it not knowing what would happen. As Dr.who said 'humans are brilliant, just brilliant, because they see something and decide to explore it because they can.' I try to compare myself to these explorers: Shackleton,Scott, Oates, John Franklin, Roald Amundsen, Colombus, Simpson. That in the face of death they decided 'not today.' Or in some cases still did die...I know I'm romanticising what will happen to me. As I'll get to Bangkok, get a minibus, hotel, bus, beach. So not quite an adventure but it's something that I need to be brave about. I wish everyone could join me on this exploration and hear peoples story's but I hope with this blog I'll manage to document people and their own tales. This way you can learn as much as me.

I hope you will join me as much as you can.

Ah yes. Some people maybe wondering what I actually did when I got to Bangkok. Flight was okay. Bought food for the first leg to Finland as I didn't think I was gonna get any lunch. Trolley dolly came round and said 'Tuna or Meat' Not any type of meat just meat. So thought why not? What was given to me can only be described as a cow pat sliced in two with cat vomit in it. Tasted like it as well. Lucky I bought that food... You get what you pay for I suppose. One huge plus of the long haul flight was that it was empty. I had a whole row of 4 seats to myself. So I stretched out and relaxed and was still unable to sleep!

I got into Bangkok airport at 7 and into Bangkok at 9 because the traffic was appalling. Checked into a hotel and went and got some lunch. After that I came back and promptly fell asleep for three hours, after only saying I'll sleep for one hour max! I then wanted to go to the massive shopping mall 'mbk'. Don't ask me what it stands for!

As a good boy I thought to save money I'll get the bus there. Number 15 I was told. Or was it number 55? Can't really tell. As I was being told by some random Indian bloke that I have good karma and am intelligent. (Wanting to read my fortune for money) The front desk lady caught up with me and told me 'Number 15' You wouldn't get that customer service in sweltering 35 degree heat in England. Well you wouldn't get 35 degree heat in England much anyway. So I waited for 20 minutes. Buses came and went none of which were correct. I was about to go and get a taxi then this Spanish bloke gave up also and we chatted and walked away from Kha San road (tourist trap) to share a taxi to the shopping centre.

We went and did what we wanted to do together then went our seperate ways which was nice. It made me more relaxed in this somewhat alien environment. After I was finished in MBK in this city of opportunity and of many wonders. What do I do? The world at my feet. I can do anything! So with that in mind, for four hours, I played football. From 5-9. It was brilliant. Only English guy there but football traverses all language. It was one goal on-off. By the end when I told some of the people that I was going to Pattaya and then Cambodia. They were saying 'no,no,no' 'stay and play football' after that I went and ate like a loner. Then got a taxi back to my hotel and fell asleep. As I'm writing this I'm on the mini bus to Pattaya. Beach town.

 As I mentioned above I am with you: (Couldn't find a proper version on my phone)

Monday, 19 May 2014

First Steps

I'm on my way. Going to be knocking out some cliches for this one. This is the first step of the rest of my life. It truly is. Whatever happens these coming weeks will become part of my story. Part of my history. It will be something to tell the future friends/children/grandchildren. I am so scared. Its unbelievable in less than a year i have gone from leaving college and working at Domino's, to travelling, to come back, finding a job, moving house, getting fired and becoming an English teacher. All the while my heart yearning to travel and go back to Cambodia.

Time moves so fast eh? I remember going to sleep in November thinking like a small child on Christmas eve: 'It's never going to come around.' Now on the eve of leaving i still think it's not going to happen! Or is that just me getting cold feet and not wanting to leave the friendly, comfortable faces? Or is it that i feel i still have some goodbyes to say? Well it's too late because it is happening now. It'd be kind of embarrassing to turn around and stay just because of some jitters. I know at the moment this is just my body wanting me to stay in the comfort zone but i know when i get there and hook up with people things will start to become more comfortable and relaxed. I think also lying on the beach will help a bit. Just a bit.

Well now that's it. Time for me to go and start life. These past couple of weeks have been filler days. Just waiting and doing nothing apart from playing football which is fine by me. However most of it was just getting up, meandering around then going to sleep. I hate that routine. It's time to go and grab that routine and move it to another country. So all in all thanks England, i'll see you around...

Ending this one with how i started it:

Friday, 16 May 2014


Introducing.... Gregory Preston Tesol Cert. After 3 months and 4 days in a school I'm a qualified English teacher with some letters after my name. How's that? I know it's a bit different to a uni course and I can't teach in a proper school only language schools. However it does show you can get a qualification in a short amount of time without having to pay through the nose for it.

Now that's done it's a couple more goodbyes and it's time to take the first wobbly step. How am I feeling? Excited just about. Almost unbearably nervous. Which I can understand as it is huge. It's the biggest thing I've ever done. Let's put it in perspective for a moment, up until this point I've gone on a holiday for two-three weeks every year, travelled by myself on an aeroplane twice, gone to school and gone to work. Now I've decided to do this. Move to a completely different country, no language and get a job. All at 18. I only just learnt how to use the bleedin' washing machine!

The goodbyes are hard some of which I haven't managed to do in person which is annoying but England will always be here I guess. Unless some of those people do a me and bugger off to another country then I can always come and see them. If they do bugger off to another country then you're getting me to come and visit. There are so many places I need to go and Cambodia seems like a safe start. Well as safe as it can be. I'm sure some people want me to stay in the country, study some A levels and the go to uni with them. By the time I've finished that I'll be at least 23, starting to look at long term relationships and then life slips away before you know it.

So to take a quote out of Nike's book I'm gonna 'just do it.'

The clip for this post is:

New website